There must be some other ways to solve this error. But how i solved is simply adding this line of code in FacebookAndroidUtil.cs file System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("G:\android\android-sdks") + @"\.android\debug.keystore" : The problem was i had %HOMEPATH% environment variable in other drive(In G:/) and unity project in another drive. Then whenever Facebook SDK calls System.IO.File.Exists(DebugKeyStorePath), DebugKeyStorePath is actually wrong. That is because DebugKeyStorePath is searching in System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("HOMEPATH") + @"\.android\debug.keystore" Which is wrong path to find the key. Solution Go to FacebookAndroidUtil.cs file, and on line 62 change the code from System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("HOMEPATH") + @"\.android\debug.keystore" : To System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(" G:\android\android-sdks ") + System.Environment.GetEnvironm
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