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Showing posts from July, 2016

Failed to import package with error: Couldn't decompress package

Failed to import package with error: Couldn't decompress package Before going to my method, Check all these things. Have you downloaded complete package? Have you got enough disk space? If you are using Chinese windows xp, don't put the package under a folder whose name includes Chinese character. My method: I was trying to import package with the name "FunCar Kit V2.0 – Mobile Update v2.0.unitypackage" i just renamed this package to   "FunCar.unitypackage" and problem solved :). Try this and tell me in comments below!

Unity Linux Headless Mode [INFO]

    What does the headless build option do? Headless mode means the player is built without any reference to X11 and friends, meaning that you can run a headless player on a server that doesn't have X installed. In all other respects, behavior is identical to a normal player with -batchmode and -nographics. Textures and sounds are still included in the build, and loaded in the player as normal - Unity doesn't know what you want to do with your player - just because you're not displaying a texture doesn't mean you don't want to do something with it.    How to remove unneeded references (texture, audio) when doing headless server builds? You can add conditional compilation symbols in project settings which could be used to cause code to compile or not. e.g. define HEADLESS, then do something like... #if HEADLESS // my code to do stuff when HEADLESS is defined #endif Now, I don't know if PostProcessS

Unity3d uConstruct - Runtime Building System

  uConstruct is a runtime building system, It is fully generic and socket based, it can create any kind of buildings with just simple few steps and with no limitations. uConstruct is a very powerful and generic building system available for unity. It doesnt have to only be used a building system but it can also be used in a level editor for example. Uconstruct Quick start Video Requires Unity 5.1.3 or higher. *MOBILE READY* Do you want your game players to be able to construct their own buildings and structures? uConstruct is an easy-to-implement, run-time, socket-based building system. uConstruct can save any of the created structures for restoration. This capability also allows developers to use uConstruct as part of their level design/creation toolkit. The asset is compactible with: GAIA Inventory Pro Photon Bolt Photon Cloud UFPS World Streamer SimpleLOD UNet Trees Manager System UFPS Photon Multiplayer Forge Networking Un

Adcolony Clear Cache Solution

We know that developing android apps and working with AdColony SDK to show video ads gives you problem. The problem we found usually it keeps downloading video ads and save them on the device. I found the comment from the person from Adcolony, He says AdColony does cache our assets to the device - both for quality (instant loading advertisements) as well as reusability. Many assets are shared across multiple campaigns and in the case that a duplicate advertisement is served it saves you from re-downloading the same assets. Each device has a specific memory class (or app specific memory limit) that we will not exceed, and we also purge old and unused assets occasionally to keep the size down. While it is possible to programmatically clear your app's data cache, we do not recommend this as it may lead to redundant downloads and unnecessary data usage. Please feel free to contact us further at Solution: Your video is stored in the application dat

C++17: Latest Features Coming To 33-Year-Old Programming Language

The C++17 is taken standing and putting new features to the classic programming language. This significant update is designed to create C++ an easier language to work alongside and delivers effective technical requirements. During the latest criteria meeting in Oulu, Finland, the actual and final features list of C++ is finalised. This means that, C++17 has turned into a major release similar to C++98 and C++11. The latest C++ 17 standards are launching new features such as structured bindings and if initialisers, creating this classic programming language “feature complete”. The C++ community is calling C++17 the beginning of a new era designed to take robust technical specifications. The non-C++17 features will likely be revealed later as add-ons in the future releases. Here’s the list of the highest features that were voted during the meeting:   Templates and Generic Code Template argument deduction for class templates Like how functions de

Your android debug keystore file is missing [FIX]

  There must be some other ways to solve this error. But how i solved is simply adding this line of code in FacebookAndroidUtil.cs file System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("G:\android\android-sdks") + @"\.android\debug.keystore" :    The problem was i had %HOMEPATH% environment variable in other drive(In G:/) and unity project in another drive. Then whenever Facebook SDK calls System.IO.File.Exists(DebugKeyStorePath), DebugKeyStorePath is actually wrong. That is because DebugKeyStorePath is searching in System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("HOMEPATH") + @"\.android\debug.keystore" Which is wrong path to find the key. Solution Go to FacebookAndroidUtil.cs file, and on line 62 change the code from System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("HOMEPATH") + @"\.android\debug.keystore" :  To System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(" G:\android\android-sdks ") + System.Environment.GetEnvironm