render settings
Unity 5 Render Settings [Solution]

Unity guys rearranged few menus in unity 5 like Unity 5 Render Settings. Many game developers specially indies and newbies still don't know where unity 5 render settings are. So today its very short and simple guide for all those missing render settings in unity 5.

Choose Window- > Lighting from the menu bar. In this window you can see all render settings easily.

That's it

They already mentions about lighting window in their unity 5 features page

  • New Lighting window
  • Single place to specify lightmapping, GI and scene render (ambient/reflection/fog) settings.
  • UI grouped by logical areas.
  • When real-time lightmaps are disabled and baked lightmaps enabled, indirect lighting of real-time lights is automatically baked into baked lightmaps. If you don't want this behavior, set indirect lighting to 0.

Unity 5 Render Settings

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