Tutorial Unity 2d Pathfinding

Unity 2d Pathfinding Tutorial Using Poly|Nav

November 15, 2014
Unity 2d Pathfinding
Unity 2d Pathfinding Tutorial Using Poly|Nav

Unity 2d Pathfinding Tutorial

Though Unity comes with a perfect solution integrated for 3D pathfinding – the Nav Mesh – for the 2D games, that is less versatile because it particularly creates navigation meshes that horizontal throughout the Z axis. Lacking making a 2D system utilizing a custom orthographic camera, as well as your own sprite renderer, it can make more sense to stay with Unity’s 2D workflow.

Now what’s the perfect solution? fortunate for your needs, Vaggelis Gavalakis has develop Polynav – a 2D pathfinding system designed to work with Unity’s sprite workflow. It’s experienced development a short period of time, and it is currently getting plenty of support and traction from the Asset Store and Unity forums. Have a look at videos below to find out the reason why this is really quite cool!

Poly|Nav is actually a polygonal based 2D pathfinding system . which is quite simple to set-up and employ, designed for the Unity's latest 2D system games!


- Define the walkable and obstacle area polygons with ease!
- Dynamicaly update the navigation areas in runtime!
- Use an easy API to control your agents!
- Includes NodeCanvas tasks!
- Includes Playmaker actions!

PolyNav can be great for Adventure, Platform, Isometric and Top Down Games!

Unity 2d Pathfinding Tutorial

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