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The Real story Of "Flappy Bird,” The Amazing Game Hits #1 In The App Store

February 11, 2014
behind the scene
The Real story Of "Flappy Bird,” The Amazing Game Hits #1 In The App Store
In just a few weeks, the mobile app Flappy Bird became a global phenomenon. It was a simple game, but frustrating and endless. Sharing many similarities with the famous Helicopter Game— only with Super Nintendo-style graphics — it's safe to say Flappy Bird took over the web.[read full story at mashable]

Screen Shot 2014-01-31 at 5.20.15 PMAs for “how” Flappy Bird went viral, that’s a bit murkier. Flappy Bird is getting 2-3 million downloads per day on iOS and Android, Dong tells us. But the game doesn’t have the hallmarks of a paid promotion – that is, a top position achieved though ads or paid downloads. Dong, answering questions on Twitter, claims this, too. [read full story at techcrunch]

Although the hit game is no longer available, more than 50 million people who downloaded it are still generating millions, or billions, of ad impressions, and Dong Nguyen is still getting paid.

and his last tweet was this.

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  1. Unknown
    March 11, 2014 at 3:39 AM
    Thanks for share information, my friend! ^_^
    Hello everyone! Flappy Bird is success in short time! :D I think many guy want to play it! But some people don't have a phone to play it! You can check a online version in my site:
    Flappy Bird : Free version for PC
    Have fun! ^_^
    1. Human
      March 11, 2014 at 5:12 PM
      thanks , keep visiting here and dont forget to subscribe