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Showing posts from 2013

[Shader] Transparent single color shader

This shader can give the object a solid color. And the alpha value can be adjusted by adjusting transparency. In Unity4.0 test without any problems. . . Shader "Custom / TransparentSingleColorShader" {  Properties {  _Color ("Color", Color) = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)  }  SubShader {  Tags {"RenderType" = "Transparent" "Queue" = "Transparent"}  Blend SrcAlpha OneMinusSrcAlpha  cull Off  LOD 200 CGPROGRAM  # pragma Surface Surf Lambert fixed4 _Color; / / Note: pointless Texture coordinate. I Could not GET Unity (or Cg)  / / to accept an empty or omit the Inputs Input Structure.  struct Input {  float2 uv_MainTex;  }; void Surf (Input IN, inout SurfaceOutput O) {  o.Albedo = _Color.rgb;  o.Emission = _Color.rgb; / / * _Color.a;  o.Alpha = _Color.a;  }  ENDCG  }  FallBack "Diffuse"  }

Unity Judges Need More Time To Review Your Game Entries

image from unity fan-page unity judges need more time to announce the winners. they got huge response from developers and still reviewing it. they said on facebook page! Due to the overwhelming response we had, we'll need a little more time to find the winners   . Our judges are reviewing all the awesome entries in our Windows contest as fast they can. We found out the hard way that it's not a good idea to disturb!

Get the live training by Unity about Terrain Sculpting~ 15/10/2013

Behold! Upcoming online seminars are up on unity live training site! Join tomorrow to learn about Terrain Sculpting . And check out the archive of past sessions as well! Want to learn in a more informal setting with Unity experts you can query live? you’ve come to the right place. We will be holding Live seminar style sessions in which the tutor will take users through a particular project, topic, or number of topics. check all

Shader Programmes

A shader programme is dedicated computer programme that runs in the graphics processing unit (GPU). Whenever we draw an object within our scene, we have to possess a shader programme allowed that defines how to modify the object into the proper location on our drawing surface, and how to color the area. In WebGL, shader programmes are made from 2 separate parts, which we create.    1 vertex shader, which describes how to transform the vertex positions of an object in 3d space, and ultimately onto the 2d canvas area.    1 fragment shader, which describes how to colour each pixel-sized fragment of the final 2d geometry. Because objects can overlap, we will often draw several fragments on top of each other before deciding the colour of the pixel. source [ ]

Start learning Unity fast

There are many ways to Start learning Unity fast.Unity is loaded with features, fully integrated development engine for the production of interactive 3D games. You wish to make 3D games? Unity’s offers you everything. In this post we’ll reveal books, tutorials and instructions to get towards Unity. Download the free version of Unity to get started: unity officials Unity Basics Unity Basics unity projects: Tutorials page on the Unity Wiki unity on vimeo see also:   What Is Github? Every Things You Need To Know About others Learn Unity 3D Jason 3D Buzz unity videos Introd...

'The Butterfly Effect'

This is run on a Core i7 2600K, single GeForce GTX 680 graphics card.  DirectX 11 With the ability to take advantage of full DirectX 11 support, including shader model 5, tessellation for smoother models and environments in game worlds, and compute shaders for advanced GPU computation, Unity 4.0 empowers developers. DirectX 11 support development was aided by development of the Butterfly Effect demo: . see also: Unity Native 2D Tools

Unity Native 2D Tools

As part of our Unity 4.3 announcement here at Unite ’13, we’re thrilled to show off our native support for 2D development. Our users have been making 2D games for many years at this stage, and we felt it was about time we stepped up and acknowledged that fact, and brought native support for Sprites and related 2D workflows to Unity. With the knowledge that Unity users love making 2D games in Unity – evidenced by some incredible titles (see BattleHeart , Tumbledrop , Ski Safari , Bad Piggies , Year Walk , to name but a few) as well as some fantastic tools in our Asset Store – we decided to look at how to make the Unity workflow you already know and better support 2D. In future you’ll see a lot more in these tools, but as part of the first release you can expect features such as - New Sprite type, with an editor that will auto slice your 2D graphics for you Upgraded Animation window with Dopesheet style view and quicker parameter animation Integration with the Animator to ...

Unity 3D Keyboard Shortcut and Mouse Trick Quick Reference Wallpapers

to help you make the most of Unity, we have found two awesome wallpapers full of keyboard ninja and mouse master goodness.